Our company, Transports Fockedey, is committed with strength and conviction to undertake a Lean and Green approach from 2015.

Indeed, aware of its environmental impact, our company has set itself the goal of reducing its CO2 emissions significantly.

Thus, thanks to our efforts and our perseverance, our action plan was validated by the authorities of the Walloon Region on June 11, 2015. This recognition was for us a real source of motivation to continue on this promising momentum.

And we were not disappointed ! Indeed, thanks to our ambitious and concrete measures, we have succeeded in reducing our CO2 emissions by 20.90% in just 5 years. This achievement was crowned with success by awarding us our first star. A recognition of which we are particularly proud.

Today, in 2023, we are happy to announce that our first star has been validated again. We have indeed maintained our reduction of more than 20% in terms of rejection savings. This victory is the result of our sincere commitment and our passion for the preservation of our environment.

Thanks to this certification, we are now able to offer each of our customers a carbon footprint specific to their transport.